Adult Vocational Training Program
AVT Program provides individuals with vocational training and Direct Employment grant assistance. AVT assists with career guidance, vocational training, and financial assistance. AVT also helps students’ apply for online federal student aid.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4542
A Career Guidance Counselor can be reached at Ext. 4540 or email at [email protected]
Air Quality Section
The goal of the Air Quality Section is air quality management on the Yakama Reservation for the protection of health, resources, and culture of the Yakamas. Also the management of this important natural resource is fundamental for the Yakama Nation to exercise its position as a sovereign nation. To accomplish this goal it is necessary to implement a regulatory air quality program on the Reservation that is applicable to all residents, regardless of land ownership.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 6078
Central Accounting
To provide professional, efficient, and accurate financial services, reporting, and accounting information to all programs of the Yakama Nation in a timely manner, ensuring compliance of state/federal/tribal regulations.
Alma Puyette, Central Accounting Manager
Contact number: 509-865-5121 ext. 4423
Accounts Payable contact number: 509-865-5121 ext. 4428
Accounts Receivable contact number: 509-865-5121 ext. 4409
Child Care and Development Fund
Assist low-income Indian working families with child care costs. Increase availability of child care on Yakama Reservation. Assist individuals in training/education for employment with child care costs. Improve the quality of child care for health, safety, well-being of Indian children and improve school readiness.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4357, 4295, 4359
(509) 865-8899 Fax
Community Health Representative Program
The community Health Program is providing improvement on health status, instituting health promotion and disease prevention. Networking other health providers in coordination resources utilization through casefindings, referral, screening, assessments, follow-ups, and monitoring other essential direct services.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4467
Comprehensive Community Alcoholism Program and Youth Treatment Program
The Yakama Nation Comprehensive Community Alcoholism Program seeks to promote the quality of life within the community through providing treatment and related services.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4455
PRC Purchased Referred Care
The Yakama Nation PRC is federally funded to provide services to eligible members of the Yakama Nation and to other federally recognized tribes. The members of the other federally recognized tribes must reside within the Contract Health Service Delivery Area (CHSDA) on the Yakama Nation Reservation or have close social and/or economic ties. The Yakama Nation has defined social and economic ties. Social is defined as, 1) Spouses married to a Yakama Nation enrolled member(s) living within the CHSDA; 2) Enrolled Yakama Nation member students taking up to 12 credits; 3) Descendants up to 18 years of age and living on the Yakama Nation Reservation; 4) Yakama Nation enrolled member living on ceded land; 5) Non-Yakama members residing on ceded land area are not eligible for PRC services; 6) Yakama enrolled member residing on Yakama Nation Tribal allotments; and 7) Yakama enrolled members moving off the Yakama Reservation up to 180 days. You do not meet the social ties as defined by Yakama Nation definition(s). The Yakama Nation has defined economic ties as, actively working for a Yakama Nation Tribal Entity which are 1) Economic Development, 2) Forest Products, 3) Wapato Irrigation Project, 4) Legends Casino, 5) Land Enterprise, 6) Yakamart, 7) Yakama Farms, 8) Yakama Power, 9) Yakama Agency, 10) Yakama Housing, and 11) Indian Health Services. You do not meet economic ties as defines by Yakama Nation definition(s).
Contact Information: Purchased/Referred Care PO Box 510 Toppenish WA 98948 (509) 865-2102 ext 3808 (509) 865-3808
Cultural Heritage Center
Mission Statement: The Cultural Heritage Center Administration office is committed to serving the Museum, Restaurant, Gift Shop and Theater by ensuring policies, procedures and regulations are followed and financial support services are met.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4753 or visit our website
Cultural Resources Program
The Cultural Resources Program was set up as the arm of the tribal government to preserve, protect, and perpetuate the principals of the unwritten Creator’s law of water, land, air, the cultural, natural and human resources to include legendary sites, places that our ancestors utilized and enjoyed for thousands of years prior to Treaty time.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4714
Department of Natural Resources
The Department of Natural Resources was established to manage, co-manage and protect the Yakama Nation’s Ancestral, Cultural, and Treaty Natural Resources on Reservation, in the Ceded Area and at Usual and Accustomed Sites, to meet the tribal culture, protecting tribal sensitive areas and sites and restoring diminished damaged resources.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4648
Department of Public Safety
Consisting of the Yakama Nation Police Department and the Staff, all Patrol Officers, Game Wardens, Gate Guard Security, Criminal Investigators, Chief Of Police, and all support staff of the YNPD. The Department of Public Safety maintains the public safety and Sovereignty of the people of the Yakama Nation.
(509) 865- 2933
Department of Revenue
The Mission of the Department of Revenue is to provide accurate, efficient, and responsive licensing, permitting, and taxation services, in accordance with Resolution T-071-13, Yakama Nation Laws, and regulations while collecting revenues and taxes on behalf of the Nation.
Julia Moya, DOR Manager
Contact number: 509-865-5121 ext. 4650
Office Email: [email protected]
Department: Yakama Nation Emergency Management
The Department of Emergency Management as established by Yakama Nation Resolution T-112-09, Exe CA 156-2009-8 – May 14, 2009 shall establish jurisdictional governance as according to the Yakama Nation Treaty of 1855, by coordinating with other programs, departments, agencies, organizations, tribes, and jurisdictions in the facilitation of planning and development, certified training and exercises to prepare, mitigate, provide response and recover from incidents, emergencies and disasters, natural or human – made.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4200
Wak’ishwi Program Mission: To promote/provide physical activities to motivate and encourage all levels of fitness in the prevention and management of diabetes. To educate people on how diseases that are preventative affect the Yakama Population. We primarily focus on the promotion of physical activity and preventative education as essential tools in the treatment and prevention of diabetes in a culturally sensitive environment.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 6757
Economic Development
Mission statement: The Yakama Nation Economic Development Department will recommend opportunities to create jobs and increase revenue for the Yakama Nation through development of a sovereign and sustainable economy while preserving our traditional and cultural values, and protection of the rights of the Treaty of 1855.
(509) 865-5121 Ext.4040
Employment Services
The Employment Services and the Child Care and Development Fund Program have been combined to form the Native Workforce Development Services to better coordinate and collaborate activities and services. The mission of the unit is to promote tribal and individual self-sufficiency through the diversification of our economy based upon traditional and contemporary methods in accordance with all Yakama values, laws and codes.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4473
Yakama Nation Enrollment Program processes applications for membership utilizing the Yakama Enrollment Act of 1946; and historical records to determine the one-fourth blood requirement is met. Other provisions of the program include but are not limited to providing: Maintaining Vital Records, Burial Assistance, Identification Cards, Letters of Indian Ancestry, Storing of Wills, Relinquishment and Blood Corrections.
Enrollment contact number: 509-865-5121 ext. 4447
Engineering Program Department of Natural Resources Yakama Nation
Mission: Provide professional engineering and surveying services necessary to enhance and develop infrastructure that serves the collective needs of the Yakama Nation.
Goals and Objectives: 1) Utilize existing contract funding and pursue additional funding to fulfill the stated mission of the Engineering Program. 2) Supervise the WIP General Engineer Program, Indian Reservation Roads contracts and other engineering and surveying contracts as awarded. 3) Improve communication between DNR Programs and assist in developing a shared vision for the appropriate utilization, preservation and enhancement of infrastructure and natural resources reserved by the Treaty of 1855.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 6731
Environmental Management Program
The Yakama Nation Environmental Protection Program (YNEP) works under the oversight and direction of the Yakama Tribal Council’s (Standing) Roads, Irrigation & Land committee. The mission of the YNEMP is to establish modern environmental management measures and capabilities on behalf of the environmental interests (culture, land, water, air and human health) of the Fourteen Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 6073
Facility Management
Mission Statement: It is the mission of the Yakama Nation Facility Management Program to maintain the integrity of all facilities through sound budgeting practices. It is also the mission of the Yakama Nation Facility Management Program to keep the land and the natural state of the facility aesthetic and clean.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 6041
Finance Office
To provide financial leadership to the Yakama Nation through strong internal controls, policies and procedures that will ensure the effective management and financial integrity of Yakama Nation programs, maximize limited resources, provide timely and accurate information to management and governing bodies, and ensure compliance with Yakama Nation and funding/regulatory agency requirements.
Stacy McKay, Chief Financial Officer
Contact number: 509-865-5121 ext. 6001
Andraya Trujillo, Financial System Advisor
Vickie Jensen, Financial System Advisor
Contact number: 509-865-5121 ext. 4408
Food Distribution Program
Providing needy families with USDA grant Commodity Foods that are on the Reservation and also helping with Energy Assistance to qualifying households.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4535
Forest Development
The Mission of the Forest Development Program is to protect, preserve and enhance the natural resources of the Yakama Nation, in accordance with the YN Land and Natural Resources Policy Plan, YN Forest Management Plan, P.L. 101-630 and the P.L. 93-638 Contract of the Forest Development Program. The Forest Development Program coordinates with the BIA Branch of Forestry and the YN Natural Resource Programs to provide services of the Yakama Nation that will insure for the maintenance and enhancement of Yakama Nation forest lands. The program is divided into various units that include forest development, fuels management, fee land timber sales, Mt. Adams recreation and campground maintenance.
**The Mount Adams Recreation Area at Tract D will remain closed for maintenance. An update will be provided after August 1, 2020. Please email [email protected] for further information.**
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4613
Geographic Information Systems
Mission Statement: Provide the Nation with relevant and reliable geographic and parcel information for all lands of tribal interest. This information supports tribal resource specialists in creating innovative management solutions while protecting the rights guaranteed the Yakama Nation by the Treaty of June 9, 1855.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4647
Grants & Contracts
The mission of the Grants and Contracts Office is to ensure fiscal and programmatic accountability and Compliance of Federal and State funds, property, and other assets awarded to the Yakama Nation and to maintain an infrastructure for funding opportunities.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4417
Higher Education Program
The mission of the Yakama Nation Higher Education Program is to provide eligible Yakama tribal members the opportunity to attend an accredited postsecondary institution and earn college degrees which will enhance their ability to gain employment in professional fields. This will legiate degrees and enhance the Yakama Nation workforce. The program is located at 151 Wishpoosh Road, Toppenish, WA 98948 (directly across the street from the Diabetes Center).
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4509 or email us at [email protected]
Community Public Health
The goal of the Tribal Community Public Health is to promote, protect and preserve the health of the Yakama Nation community members. Community Public health involves these basic concepts: Promote healthy lifestyles, prevent disease and health problems. Community Public health focus more on the resources for the community members have access, work to improve the health and well-being of the Yakama community through education about illness, disease prevention, safe health practices, and how to obtain health care services to that support health and well-being.
Please contact (509) 865-7965 or (509) 865-7961.
Human Resources
Mission Statement: We provide a service to the Yakama Nation Tribal Council; General Council; Tribal Administration; and all programs under the umbrella of Yakama Nation by offering a drug free workplace to Yakama Nation membership; opportunity for current employees to apply for vacant positions and promotions; we offer on- site training; orientation; process the unemployment claims; classification; grievance; appeals; coordinate the Request for Payroll Action for approximately 250 a month.
For Employment Listings and Application or for more information Click Here
Informational Technology
The mission of the Yakama Nation Information Technology (IT) Department is to manage, support, and ensure the integrity, security, and availability of the information technology infrastructure and provide responsive, quality, and cost-effective IT solutions and services.
Information Technology contact number: 509-865-5121 ext. 4433
Language Program
We honor our past and take responsibility for our future as the Yakama Nation’s Language Program, we will preserve and protect the tribal culture, traditions, and foremost the language to assure the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of our people and provide cultural education for all generations.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4585
Nak Nu We Sha Program
The mission of the NNWS Program is the prevention of the disintegration of its Indian Families through early intervention and remediation services.
When Yakama Children are removed from their customary homes, the NNWS Program Follows established Yakama Nation procedures and services that will assure child custody proceedings reflect the unique values, customs, and laws of Yakama Nation.
The NNWS Program assists other governmental agencies, attorneys, courts, and interested parties comply with the unique values, customs, and laws of the Yakama Nation.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 6800
Office of Legal Counsel
Mission Statement: The Office of Legal Counsel will continue to provide assistance to the Yakama Nation with diligence in protecting the sovereignty, customs and traditions through proficient legal counsel as directed by the Tribal Council and its Committees.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 6057
Probation Services
Yakama Nation Adult Probation Services’ mission is to provide rehabilitation for court ordered criminal offenders by using a collaborative team approach and an array of community resources. Our staff is committed to wellness, accountability, reducing recidivism, and for the safety of victims and our communities. The Yakama values of culture and traditions are incorporated for healing and positive encouragement.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4570
Purchasing department assists with purchasing supplies and/or equipment, excess property, mail system, and shipping/receiving for the tribal organization. Services available to all tribal programs: Purchasing; Excess Property: Shipping/Receiving works cooperatively with Bureau of Indian Affairs and other federal or state agencies.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4399
Range Program
The main focus of the Range Program is livestock management and the administration of grazing permits, however the overriding goal for the program is to preserve the ecological integrity of the Yakama Nation’s rangeland so it is capable of sustaining a variety of uses and values including livestock grazing, wildlife, fisheries, cultural values, traditional foods and medicines and stable watersheds.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4192
Revenue Allocation Plan Administration
The mission of the Yakama Nation (YN) Revenue Allocation Plan (RAP) Program is to execute Individual Per Capita payments, Elder and Full-time Student General Welfare Fund payments allocated by YN Tribal Council (TC) approved by the YN RAP of Gaming Net Revenue for distribution to eligible enrolled members per GCM-04-2009 and T-129-09. And it shall be the mission to implement all other fund distributions authorized by the YNTC per YN Tribal Government Resolution.
Funding “Quarter Dates” | Due Dates – School Proof | Full-Time Student Check Release Dates (CRD) |
Quarter 1 (Oct – Dec) | Dec 9 – Dec 13, 2023 | December 31, 2023 |
Quarter 2 (Jan – Mar) | Mar 9 – 13, 2023 | March 31, 2024 |
Quarter 3 (Apr – Jun) | June 8 – 12, 2024 | July 10, 2024 |
Quarter 4 (Jul – Sept) | September 8 – 11, 2024 | September 30, 2024 |
Transportation Program
The mission of the Transportation Program is to provide a quality road system that supports economic development and tribal life now and into the future. The travel needs of the Yakama Nation is our primary focus. We strive to provide reliable roads and other services while protecting the environment and ensuring the safety of our employees, of our Tribal members and the general public.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 6405
Tribal Employee Rights Office (TERO)
The Tribal Employment Rights Office (TERO) is responsible for the enforcement of the Yakama Nation’s Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance, Title 71 of the Revised Yakama Code. The ordinance was created to guarantee and protect the unique employment rights of Yakama Tribal Members and other Indians and to eradicate discrimination against Indian people. The TERO is required to enforce and inform all employers of their responsibility to comply with the ordinance. Employers and contractors, on or near the Yakama Nation, are acquired to give preference to Indians in hiring, promotion, training, temporary reductions in work force, employment, and all other aspects of business and economic activity.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4479
Tribal Historic Preservation Office (THPO)
To manage, consult and direct the protection of cultural resources; initiate the repatriation of our ancestral remains and objects
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4041
Tribal Insurance
Tribal Insurance’s primary goal is to provide insurance protection in the most cost-effective manner. This Insurance staff is responsible for assisting in addressing the Yakama Nation’s Insurance needs in the following areas: Risk Management Review, Administering the Employee Retirement and 401(k) Plans, Self-insuring the Workers Compensation, Group Health, Dental and Vision Plans and providing insured policies for Auto, Property, Casualty and Life Insurance.
(509) 865-2318
Federal Transparency in Coverage Rule:
HMA’s information will be available at this webiste:
“This link leads to the machine-readable files that are made available in response to the Federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and analyze data.”
Tribal Nutrition Program
Promote the health and well-being of community members through the individualized promotion of healthy, culturally appropriate food and physical activity choices.
(509)865-2102 ext. 0621 or ext. 0332
Veterans Affairs
Veterans spiritual, physical, mental and socio-economic wellbeing by securing appropriate resources to provide health and social services as well as education and training opportunities which values traditional and contemporary way of life.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 6022
Victim Resource Program
The mission of the Yakama Nation Victim Resource Program is to support and identify the needs of victims of crime and the Yakama Nation community, through a comprehensive approach that integrates mental health to address historical and interpersonal trauma. The Victim Resource Program will help all victims of crime, focusing on domestic violence, sexual assault/abuse, stalking, dating violence, and human trafficking. Victim-centered activities will entail wellness, job training, financial empowerment, crisis management, emergency victim services, and youth engagement.
Water Code Administration
The Water Code operates according to Resolutions GC-01-93 and T-161-92; also enforces Resolution T-136-91 Hydraulic Code. The Water Code is responsible for the enforcement of the Yakama Nation surface and ground waters and all water rights for the Yakama Nation. The Water Code was amended by Tribal Council action in April 2005.
We are located at: 214 Ivy Street, Wapato WA 98951
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 6121 or 6122
Fax: (509) 877-1064
Water Resource Program
Mission Statement: The mission of the Yakama Nation Water Resource Program is to protect, manage, restore and develop the water resources of the Yakama Nation in a manner that will protect the political integrity, economic security as well as the health and welfare of the tribe and its members.
(509) 865-4946
White Swan Ambulance and Health Clinic
The White Swan Health Clinic and Ambulance Service strive to improve general health status and provide high quality pre-hospital emergency care to the people of the Yakama Nation. The clinic is staffed with a Washington State licensed Physician Assistant who offers general health care 5 days a week to all IHS eligible clients. White Swan Ambulance offers 24 hour pre-hospital emergency care to the sick and injured by the Washington State Emergency Medical Technicians. White Swan Health Clinic provides outreach clinics that include maternal child health, WIC, Nutrition, influenza clinics, alcoholism programs, and diabetes health screening. Third Party reimbursement has been implemented for White Swan Health Clinic to help offset expenditures and ensure most importantly that healthcare is maintained throughout the community.
(509) 874-2979
Yakama Nation Correction & Rehabilitation Facility
The mission of the Yakama Nation Correction & Rehabilitation Facility is to provide a balanced system approach to corrections, supervision, with training, education, programs and services that provide opportunities for offenders to successfully transition to communities.
1020 Fort Rd., Toppenish, WA 98948
Main Control (509) 865-8911
Fax (509)865-1947
Yakama Nation Fire Management
Our Mission is to protect lives, property, and resources while providing for firefighter safety first. Fire Management will strive to help with restoring and maintaining healthy ecosystems through cost-effective fire management.
(509) 865-6653
Yakama Nation Head Start
The mission of the Yakama Nation Head Start is to implement quality early childhood education, culture, language, and continuous support to empower diverse Native children and families.
For More Information Go To
(509) 985-8137
Yakama Nation Human Services Administration
The mission of the Yakama Nation Department of Human Services is to ensure adequate, equal and needed social, educational and Veteran Services are provided to Yakama tribal members on and off the Yakama Reservation and those eligible within the exterior boundaries and to ensure all Department of Human Service programs utilize methods including our Yakama Cultural and Traditions to enhance healthy family units, positive community lifestyles and youth leadership development.
Contact Information:
Merida Kipp, Human Services Deputy Director, (509) 865-5121 ext. 6060
Emergency Assistance Program
The mission of the Emergency Assistance Program is to provide Supplemental Financial Assistance to all enrolled Yakama Nation Members who have medical (life/limb) emergencies and near-death experience (s) substantiated by a medical health provider, fire burnouts, funeral (out of YN area) and Search & Rescue (committee action needs to be obtained).
Yakama Nation Library
The Yakama Nation Library serves the purpose of offering an inviting environment that provides a wealth of resources and information for all to use for education, employment, research, and leisure. Located inside the Cultural Heritage Center, the library’s purpose is to increase understanding and appreciation of tribal history and culture by sharing Yakama culture, history, and traditions with patrons.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4723
Yakama Nation Museum
Vision Statement: The Yakama Nation Museum’s primary responsibility is to preserve, protect and care for the artifacts and archival photos on behalf of the Yakama people. The emphasis of the museum is to serve the Yakama Tribal members, develop exhibits and dioramas, to emphasize the positive history of the Native people, and to create and emphasize positive self-esteem for our Yakama people.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4730 or visit our website at:
Yakama Nation Public Defender – Legal Aid Services
The Yakama Nation Public Defender-Legal Aid Services Program mission is to provide exceptional representation, advice and zealous advocacy in Tribal children’s and adult criminal courts, intended to protect the rights of Tribal members, as well as provide civil pro se assistance in Tribal Court civil cases.
If you are charged with a crime in Yakama Nation Tribal Court, please contact us to request representation, as we are not considered “assigned counsel” and representation is not automatic.
If you need assistance filling out Tribal Court forms in civil matters, we can help and give you information on how to file on your own in Tribal Court. Other services provided include Notary Public and Powers of Attorney.
Notice: Due to staffing issues and ongoing attorney shortages, our office does not have the ability to represent Tribal members in outside court matters or civil cases.
(509) 865-5121 ext. 4576 or ext. 4601
Yakama Nation Travel
It is the mission of Yakama Nation Travel, the only Native owned Travel Agency in the Pacific Northwest, to provide professional and personalized service in every phase of the travel process.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4396 or 4397
Direct Line (509) 865-2030 Fax Number (509) 865-3930
Yakama Nation Tribal Administration
Tribal Administration provides leadership, administrative, and management oversight of the Yakama Nation’s tribal programs that includes more than 1,000 tribal employees. Tribal Administration also administers, evaluates, and monitors the tribal governmental structure in a manner that supports and promotes the Yakama Nation’s Mission Statement, Goals, and Objectives. In all administrative matters, Tribal Administration serves as the liaison between Tribal Council, tribal employees, the Yakama Agency Superintendent and the BIA. Tribal Administration is responsible for management of the tribal government organization including administration, financial management, human resources, and program/project management for the Yakama Nation in accordance with approved policies, statutes, rules and regulations, in such a manner as to protect solid business operations, financial stability, tribal sovereignty, preservation of Yakama culture and cultural properties, and tribal membership rights guaranteed under the Treaty of 1855.
Tribal Administration Executive Office:
Crystal Bass, Tribal Administrative Director, [email protected] or 509-865-7343
Lydia Bitsoi, Assistant Tribal Administrative Director, [email protected] or 509-865-7380
Star Diavolikis, Public Information Officer, [email protected] or 509-865-5121 ext. 4411
Teddie Shike, Tribal Administrative Executive Assistant, [email protected] or 509-865-5121 ext. 6012
Dominic Whalawitsa, Executive Administrative Assistant, [email protected] or 509-865-5121 ext. 6004
Yakama Nation Tribal School
The Yakama Nation Tribal School strives to offer an educational program in a cultural context, which establishes high expectations of all students, including the disabled. The Yakama Nation Tribal School will provide an equal access to a quality education in a positive, caring, learning environment. We will promote cultural awareness, pride and lifelong learning skills to all students.
Yakama Nation Tribal School is committed to guiding students to become life-long learners and productive citizens, while strengthening cultural values and building character.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4585 or visit our website at:
Yakama Tribal Court
The overall mission of the Yakama Tribal Court system is to at all times protect the sovereignty of the Yakama Nation and to provide for it’s members the guarantee outlined in the Treaty of 1855. The Courts will provide fair and impartial adjudication of all matters in a timely fashion where juvenile, civil and criminal justice is concerned. The Yakama Nation has the authority under the Revised Yakama Code to preserve order on the Yakama Reservation when necessary by punishing those through our Court system who violate Tribal law and is absolutely essential to the sovereignty of our nation. The Tribal Court system continues to maintain the independence of its judiciary to secure its role in the Yakama Nation governmental system of checks and balances.
Dial: (509) 865-5121 pressing four digit extension numbers allows direct connection to department.
Calling from Out-Of-State you may dial 1-800-859-5121
YN Tribal Court Administrator Ext. 4676
CIVIL COURT Ext. 4581 and 4151 (tort complaints; divorce, custody and guardianship, paternities, restraining order, name change, probate….etc.)
Criminal Court (Adult) Ext. 6090
Juvenile Delinquency/Truancy Ext. 4583
Dependency Court Ext. 4583
Court Bailiffs Ext. 5114 and Ext. 4588
Yakama Tribal Realty 93-638 Program
The Realty mission is to provide timely, accurate, professional and courteous trust real estate services to the 9,500+ individual land owners.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4155
Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project/ Fisheries Resource Management Program
The Yakima/Klickitat Fisheries Project (YKFP) is an initiative established in 1982 for recovery of all salmon and steelhead stocks in the Yakima and Klickitat River basins. The project is testing “supplementation” concepts for promoting harvestable wild stocks and for coho reintroduction.
Please visit our website at:
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 6361
Youth Activities Program
The LISTEN TOGETHER Youth Activities Program is a component of the Community Health Representative (CHR) Program. By providing organized activities in health, social, recreation, educational and personal awareness, we provide youth with necessary leadership training; guidance and support needed to live an active and healthy lifestyle. Special emphasis is placed on promoting family and community bonding which means that it is vital for not only individual but cultural, traditional or religious values of the Yakama Nation is important to create an appreciation and awareness by our youth of their heritage. Program also administers the Miss Yakama Nation travel account.
(509) 865-5121 Ext. 4450
Tribal Health Services
Yakama Nation Tribal Health Services ensures all necessary functions; activities and services are carried out in the most expedient and cost-effective manner, in the best interest of all patients in need of care on the Yakama Nation Reservation. It is the goal of Tribal Health Services Administration to breakdown programmatic silo’s to eliminate gaps in services for all patrons and patients. This will be accomplished by building inner-program relationships/partnerships through in-house MOA’s and referral systems.
Tribal Health programs include: IHS Administration; Behavioral Health Mental Health & Substance Use Disorders referrals and treatment for youth and families; Community Health Representatives; Purchased, Referred Care (PRC) Services; Community Public Health; Maternal Child Health; Nutrition; White Swan Health Clinic/EMS; WIC, and Diabetes Center (Wakiishwi)
Contact Information: Katherine Saluskin (509)865-5121 [email protected], ext. 7623 or Tom Grover (509)865-5121 ext. 7630 [email protected]
Women Infants and Children (WIC) Program
The WIC Program provides nutrition education and support, supplemental foods, health and social service referrals and breastfeeding support during critical time of growth and development to improve health and achieve positive health outcomes.
Contact Information: (509)865-2102 ext. 0353 401 Buster Road, Toppenish, WA 98948
Maternal Child Health Program MCH
Yakama Nation Maternal Health Services embraces the core values of our families, stories, language, ceremonies, songs, and teachings. We value motherhood, fatherhood, and most importantly the splendor of our children. MCH provides community-based programs and services focused on providing preventive health and education for growing families throughout the Yakama Nation Reservation.
Contact Information: (509)865-2102 ext. 0621 401 Buster Road, Toppenish, WA 98948