Purchase Referred Care

Purchase Referred Care

Contact Information

Purchased Referred Care: PO Box 510 Toppenish, WA 98948

(509) 865-2102 Ext. 3808

(509) 865-3808

The Yakama Nation PRC is federally funded to provide services to eligible members of the Yakama Nation and to other federally recognized tribes. The members of the other federally recognized tribes must reside within the Contract Health Service Delivery Area (CHSDA) on the Yakama Nation Reservation or have close social and/or economic ties.  The Yakama Nation has defined social and economic ties.  Social is defined as, 1) Spouses married to a Yakama Nation enrolled member(s) living within the CHSDA; 2) Enrolled Yakama Nation member students taking up to 12 credits; 3) Descendants up to 18 years of age and living on the Yakama Nation Reservation; 4) Yakama Nation enrolled member living on ceded land; 5) Non-Yakama members residing on ceded land area are not eligible for PRC services; 6) Yakama enrolled member residing on Yakama Nation Tribal allotments; and 7) Yakama enrolled members moving off the Yakama Reservation up to 180 days. You do not meet the social ties as defined by Yakama Nation definition(s).  The Yakama Nation has defined economic ties as, actively working for a Yakama Nation Tribal Entity which are 1) Economic Development, 2) Forest Products, 3) Wapato Irrigation Project, 4) Legends Casino, 5) Land Enterprise, 6) Yakamart, 7) Yakama Farms, 8) Yakama Power, 9) Yakama Agency, 10) Yakama Housing, and 11) Indian Health Services.  You do not meet economic ties as defines by Yakama Nation definition(s).