We Are Yakama Strong

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Generations before the advance of the modern world, the lands of the Yakama extended in all directions along the Cascade Mountain Range to the Columbia River and beyond. We considered it land given in trust by the Creator for the use of the living and a heritage to be held and protected for unborn generations.

Treaty of 1855

The Treaty between the United States of America and the Yakama Nation of Indians. Concluded at Camp Stevens, Walla Walla Valley

Honoring Our Veterans

The Yakama Nation Veterans Affairs program works to improve the physical, mental, and spiritual health and well-being of every Yakama Veteran. This is done through assisting with resources for the veteran and their family, including a range of counseling, outreach, and referral services. Our goal is to lower the number of homeless veterans through resource connections and to reinforce positive self-worth through positive activities and interactions.

Mt. Adams

Mount Adams is an impressive mountain that lies partly within the reservation. This mountain is sacred to the Yakama.

Celilo Falls

Celilo Falls, located on the Columbia river east of The Dalles, Oregon, was a well known trading area & sacred fishing grounds of our people. Celilo Falls was flooded in 1957 with the completion of the The Dalles Dam. The Federal Government’s decision to build the dam disregarded the ancient fishing grounds and the W’yam people’s opposition. Our museum recreated the ancient setting of Celilo Falls. We show a young man learning his lessons about the river from his father.
